Benefits of Laser Resurfacing: Improving Skin Texture, Tone, and Elasticity

Over time, you might notice that your skin can feel dry and unhealthy. Our skin can take on damage and this can lead to wrinkles, scarring, and age spots developing. When you’re unhappy with how your skin looks, you can feel insecure, and you might find yourself trying to cover up as much of your skin as possible. Instead of hiding your skin, you can rejuvenate it. Dr. Sally Booth and Dr. Christy Waterman at The Med Spa at Booth Dermatology in Zionsville, IN, can explain how laser resurfacing can benefit your skin. 

Rejuvenating Your Skin With Laser Resurfacing

When you’re dealing with uneven skin texture or scarring, it can make you feel uncomfortable with the way that you look. You might find yourself hiding from photos or trying to cover up. Instead of feeling unhappy in your skin, you can give yourself a fresh start with laser resurfacing from your dermatologist in Zionsville, IN! 

Laser resurfacing can help target problems that are deeply ingrained in the skin. It helps stimulate your body’s collagen production, which helps get rid of wrinkles and helps improve your skin’s elasticity. This also helps get rid of acne scars that may have developed over time. Your skin will also feel fresh and soft!  

The procedure can take anywhere from 15 minutes to 1 hour, which means that you’ll be done in no time. You can usually see results within 3 weeks as well. Results are permanent and you just need to continue caring for your skin! Recovery time is also minimal, and you’ll finally be able to feel happy with the way your skin looks again. 

Contact Our Dermatologist Today 

Laser resurfacing can help give you a fresh start with your skin. Contact Dr. Sally Booth and Dr. Christy Waterman at The Med Spa at Booth Dermatology in Zionsville, IN, to learn more about laser resurfacing and how it could help you. Call for more information and to schedule your appointment today at (317) 848-2427.